【Lyrics】BY2 - 異地戀人 Translate & Pinyin Lyrics(Yìdì liànrén)

rodiyer.idv.tw 拉里拉雜

多少 多久 多遠 你和我這距離 讓我輸了
How long, how long, how far away do you lose me
Duōshǎo duōjiǔ duō yuǎn nǐ hé wǒ zhè jùlí ràng wǒ shūle
Eh Eh Oh Oh Oh
我 還被框在⼿機⾥ ⽣活你 想隔著螢幕喂我 蘋果電池 剩最後⼀格
I'm still framed on the phone. You want to feed me through the screen. Apple battery. The last one left.
Wǒ hái bèi kuāng zài shǒu jī lǐ shēng huó nǐ xiǎng gézhe yíngmù wèi wǒ píngguǒ diànchí shèng zuìhòu yī gé
Hey 那⼀刻 有多麼親熱
Hey how intimate that moment
Hey nà yī kè yǒu duōme qīnrè
Why 現在 竟然有多麼寂寞吃⼀堆我種的苦果
Why is it so lonely now that I eat a lot of bitter fruits I planted
Why xiànzài jìngrán yǒu duōme jìmò chī yī duī wǒ zhǒng de kǔguǒ
觸摸你 要靠⽿朵
Touching you depends on Dodo
Chùmō nǐ yào kào ěr duǒ
距離變成了我們 第三者
Distance becomes our third party
Jùlí biànchéngle wǒmen dì sān zhě
我已經束⼿無策 出此下策 灌醉我
I have no choice but to make a decision to drunk me
Wǒ yǐjīng shù shǒu wúcè chū cǐ xiàcè guàn zuì wǒ
多少 多久 多遠 你和我還有多少公⾥折磨
How much, how long, how far
Duōshǎo duōjiǔ duō yuǎn nǐ hé wǒ hái yǒu duōshǎo gōng lǐ zhémó
這飛蛾 想撲⽕ 可⽕ 都快涼了
This moth wants to pounce, but it's almost cold
Zhè fēi é xiǎng pū huǒ kě huǒ dōu kuài liángle
多少 多久 多遠 你和我連牽⼿都成了施捨
How much, how long, how far, you and I have become alms
Duōshǎo duōjiǔ duō yuǎn nǐ hé wǒ lián qiān shǒu dōu chéngle shīshě
連吵架的資格 可憐的 被空間剝奪被時間給封鎖 ⽤思念來 發洩OH Oh
The qualifications for quarreling are poor, they are deprived of space, they are blocked by time, they use thoughts to vent OH
Lián chǎojià de zīgé kělián de bèi kōngjiān bōduó bèi shíjiān gěi fēngsuǒ yòng sīniàn lái fāxiè OH Oh
你曾對我說 三個⽉就能見⾯ (要見⾯沒航班) 說的簡單 好像我們 能說通時間
You once said to me that you can see it in three days (to see no flight). It's as simple as we can talk about time
Nǐ céng duì wǒ shuō sān gè yuè jiù néngjiàn miàn (yào jiàn miàn méi hángbān) shuō de jiǎndān hǎoxiàng wǒmen néng shuō tōng shíjiān
別讓我進⾏ 這種孤單的訓煉
Don't let me take this lonely training
Bié ràng wǒ jìn xíng zhè zhǒng gūdān de xùn liàn
危險 我怕我的神經被這長長的距離崩斷 (誰發明的異地戀)
Danger, I'm afraid my nerves will be broken by this long distance (Who invented the long distance relationship)
Wéixiǎn wǒ pà wǒ de shénjīng bèi zhè zhǎng zhǎng de jùlí bēng duàn (shuí fāmíng de yìdì liàn)
夜夜失眠 遮瑕霜 哎 遮不住⿊眼圈
Insomnia every night Concealer cream Hey can't cover ⿊eye circles
Yè yè shīmián zhēxiá shuāng āi zhē bù zhù hēi yǎnquān
想與你擁抱的場⾯ ⼿⼼就出了汗 (要見⾯沒航班) 我等待得疲倦 熱情快被衝淡
The scene I want to hug with you is sweating (I want to see no flight) I am tired of waiting and my enthusiasm will be diluted
Xiǎng yǔ nǐ yǒngbào de chǎng miàn shǒu xīn jiù chūle hàn (yào jiàn miàn méi hángbān) wǒ děngdài dé píjuàn rèqíng kuài bèi chōng dàn
離相見的時刻還有多長多久多遠 (誰發明的異地戀)
How long and how far away from the moment of meeting (who invented the long distance relationship)
Lí xiāng jiàn de shíkè hái yǒu duō zhǎng duōjiǔ duō yuǎn (shuí fāmíng de yìdì liàn)
除了做夢 無選擇
No choice but to dream
Chúle zuòmèng wú xuǎnzé
聚少離多 已成了必修課
To gather less and to separate more has become a required course
Jù shǎo lí duō yǐ chéngle bìxiū kè
這樣的甜蜜歡樂 多麼苦澀 無奈何Oh
Such a sweet joy is so bitter, helpless Oh
Zhèyàng de tiánmì huānlè duōme kǔsè wúnàihé Oh
多少 多久 多遠 你和我還有多少公⾥折磨
How much, how long, how far
Duōshǎo duōjiǔ duō yuǎn nǐ hé wǒ hái yǒu duōshǎo gōng lǐ zhémó
這飛蛾 想撲⽕ 可⽕ 都快涼了
This moth wants to pounce, but it's almost cold
Zhè fēi é xiǎng pū huǒ kě huǒ dōu kuài liángle
多少 多久 多遠 你和我連牽⼿都成了施捨
How much, how long, how far, you and I have become alms
Duōshǎo duōjiǔ duō yuǎn nǐ hé wǒ lián qiān shǒu dōu chéngle shīshě
連吵架的資格 可憐的 被空間剝奪愛情它再偉⼤ 分開了 都脆弱
Even the qualification for quarreling is poor. It is deprived of love by space.
Lián chǎojià de zīgé kělián de bèi kōngjiān bōduó àiqíng tā zài wěi dà fēnkāile dōu cuìruò
Ai Ah Oh
多少 多久 多遠 你和我被迫要接受這分割
How much, how long, how far, you and I are forced to accept this division
Duōshǎo duōjiǔ duō yuǎn nǐ hé wǒ bèi pò yào jiēshòu zhè fēngē
船找河 你找我 咬著⽛ 任眼淚滑落愛情 它著了⽕ 你卻 隔岸觀⽕
The boat is looking for the river, you are looking for me, biting it, and letting tears fall into love, it's on, but you watch from the other side.
Chuán zhǎo hé nǐ zhǎo wǒ yǎozhe yá rèn yǎnlèi huáluò àiqíng tāzhele huǒ nǐ què gé àn guān huǒ
I really miss you
rodiyer.idv.tw 拉里拉雜


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